Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)


PRP is used for moderately degenerated joints and tendon and ligament sprain/instability. PRP
is obtained with a simple blood draw. The blood is then placed into a special centrifuge which
concentrates the platelets, stem cells, and growth factors up to 500%. The platelet concentrate
is then injected into the affected area. Typically one, occasionally 2 treatments are required.
PRP is a component of your blood (plasma) with concentrations of platelets above normal
values. PRP typically contains 3-8 times the concentration of normal platelet levels. After injury,
platelets are on the front line of the healing response and play a critical role by releasing
growth factors. These growth factors influence tissue repair in a variety of different cell types
including tendon, muscle and cartilage cells.

The centrifuge systems produce a completely autologous platelet biologic with a high
concentration of viable platelets, extracted from a small amount of the patient’s own blood,
spun through a centrifugation process and resulting in a dense platelet rich fibrin matrix (PRFM)
that can be delivered directly to the injury/pain site and to potentially stimulate a reparative
healing response for soft tissue and bone repair.

There is a growing body of evidence to support the use of autologous platelet-derived growth
factors for a variety of medical conditions at this time. Currently, there is some evidence that
PRP is effective for bone healing, cartilage repair, and wound healing. This therapy has been
shown to help to heal tennis elbow and some other sports injuries. Currently, there are ongoing

clinical trials assessing the efficacy of PRP for chronic Achilles tendinopathy, bone healing, knee
cap pain, ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, and numerous other musculoskeletal injuries.

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